Why Should you use Battery Chargers During winters ?
Why Does Motor Oil Need Additives?
Oil is the lifeblood of a car. It keeps the components healthy and makes sure the parts keep on moving. There is a lot more that goes into your oil than you might think, however, depending on your purposes and how you use your car, you may want to consider a motor oil additive. These specially-formulated chemicals can help improve your engine’s performance and longevity without breaking the bank.
This has helped fleet owners save Money and Time
A recent study of the Indian market has revealed that fleet owners have one hidden cost. This is not only the cost of the parts but also opportunity costs. This is Battery related costs.
Effect of Temperature on Battery Life
Lead-acid batteries are cost-effective and reliable, making them suitable for many applications. One serious drawback compared to some other batteries (NiCad for example), is that lead-acid batteries are affected by temperature. Lead-acid batteries should only be used where they are installed in conditioned environments not subject to excessive temperatures.
Updates to Foxwell i70 Pro (April 2020)
Which is the Best Car Battery Charger in India?
Batteries are the main cause of cold-weather breakdowns, so it pays to have The Best Car Battery charger. A good one will not only get you on your way but will also keep the battery in top condition with regular maintenance. Plus, for infrequently used cars, a charger will keep them ready to go when you want.
Is Voltage the only parameter of 12v battery health?
What do we need to know when testing our car battery. Is it voltage only or we need to understand IR, CCA etc.
Calculating charging time for 12v car and bike batteries.
Calculating charging time for 12v car and bike batteries. The right way to charging your car or bike battery ensuring long life of your battery.