Benefits & Features of Konnwei KW350 OBD2 Scanner
CTEK MXS 5.0 Test & Charge EU Precision Battery Maintenance for Optimal Performance
How To Choose Right Car Battery Charger?
CTEK Battery Chargers Shares How To Avoid Battery Drain In India’s Record Heat!
Read this before Choosing the Perfect Jump Starter!
Choosing the right Jump Starter is important as it is the tool to save you during
emergencies. Read this article to see what you need to loook at before investing in that jump starter
Why CTEK MXS 3.8 is the Best Bike Battery Charger?
Recreational bikes in India have boomed in recent years and so has the need for the best bike battery charger. The reason being that these recreational bikes are not used on a daily basis and when the need comes te battery is often found to be flat.
This is the Best Car Battery Charger in India!!
9 Best Car Battery Chargers for Fast, Reliable Charging as as per Garage Tools Advisor. CTEK MXS 5 came up on top as the winner
Save the Date-5 October Charge Your Car Battery Day
5th Oct 2021 – It is a day to celebrate the humble car battery and remind people about the importance of charging your car battery. It’s easy to forget how much hard work your battery has to do to keep your car running, so Charge Your Car Day is here to remind us all that we’ve really got to look after it.